4: music go brrr!

content note: minor gore / body horror

july 28th, 2024

looking at this page now, it feels more gruesome than I intended? Blobic definitely doesn’t experience physical pain in the same way as we do, so that helps! and her hand will grow back; she just needs to practice enough to get calluses


one of Blobic’s goals this summer is to get back into playing music!
making music in any form is one of her favorite things
[ Blobic blows into a trumpet, causing her whole body to vibrate ]
even if some forms come more naturally to her than others
[ Blobic happily plays an assortment of handbells that are sticking out of her goo ]
[ Blobic, while holding a guitar that appears to have sliced small pieces of her hand off, says “I … did not expect that the strings would be so sharp” ]
