october 23rd, 2024
comic comic comic! I’m still figuring out how I wanna do shading in these comics, but I love how the character expressions in this one turned out. it’s been big eepy hours for me recently between all my various jobs (which include working with kiddos!), but in other news, I’ve been rereading some favorite childhood book series that hit just as hard a decade or two later 😀
Blobic loves working with kids, and she wants to be a parent one day!
[ a happily smiling Blobic wearing a photo id nametag sits in a patch of grass, next to a young anthro puppy who’s smiling through tears and has a bandage on one paw. Blobic tells them, “alright, all bandaged up! great job; you were really brave” ]
but she currently struggles to meet her standards of caring for the gerbils she’s adopted, and she’s worried that bodes poorly for future endeavors
[ Blobic is once again smiling, but this time with an ashamed and apologetic expression, at a small, non-anthropomorphic gerbil who’s scrabbling at the glass of their tank. Blobic grips the strap of the bag she’s carrying and tells them, “sorry sweetie, I’m too tired to take you out for playtime today. I know it’s been a while, hopefully tomorrow I’ll be up for it” ]
she’s hoping that parenting is like any large project, where not being ready right now doesn’t mean you’ll never be ready
[ Blobic is lying on a bed and typing on a laptop. a speech bubble extending from the laptop screen reads, “weekeeHow: How Do I Feel Less Exhausted? Sleep hygiene is an important part of feeling your best and living life to the fullest. Here are some tips–” ]
in addition to all the studying she’s doing, she suspects that becoming a better parent to herself is a good first step
[ Blobic and Chris are cuddling in the same bed, with Blobic holding a phone and Chris holding up and examining a colorful book ]
Chris: is this a new book?
Blobic: yeah! I’ve started reading it before bed to help motivate me to wind down earlier
Chris: nice!