november 20th, 2024
of course, actually following even the more relatable/realistic/achievable schedules is still easier said than done, but we’re working on it! I used to make very ambitious plans for my days and then be frustrated with how easily I got derailed from them, but I’m starting to recognize that a lot of those “derailments” are really just needing more time to rest or other similar things, and now I can incorporate that into my schedules from the beginning. Post-Work Hour of Lying on the Couch Scrolling YouTube, my beloved~
Blobic is learning how to make himself a personal schedule!
[Blobic sits cross-legged on the ground, writing on a piece of paper. the paper reads “Today’s Plans! 8am: wake up. 9am:”]
scheduling out his days in detail can get really overwhelming,
[the piece of paper grows into a ferocious scowling To-Do monster, to Blobic’s horror]
but he often doesn’t do things unless he’s set aside specific time for them, so he’s trying to find a healthy balance.
[Blobic stands, texting, in a kitchen overflowing with trash and unwashed dishes, comic paper laying blank on the table. his text conversation reads, “hey! u free today?” “lemme check my calendar. I’ve got nothing planned! see you soon 👀”]
so far one key to the art seems to be writing schedules that’re as relatable as they are aspirational
[Blobic progressively checks off items on a list that reads, “11am: empty dishwasher. 12pm: eat mac and cheese. 12:30: be tired. 2:30: hang out w/ roommate. 3: put mac n’ cheese bowl in dishwasher”]