11: big eepy author hours

september 30th, 2024

hi lovely readers! my apologies for missing last week’s post — it’s up now as page 12, plus this page as this week’s update. yet another autobiographical one, if you couldn’t guess xP I work a Lot of jobs at the moment and I’m still figuring out how to balance all my responsibilities; I’m very proud that my posting schedule so far has been as consistent as it has!

the original idea for this page was that I could save myself time by drawing it at work, but as per usual I ended up being busy Actually Working and finished most of it afterwards. nonetheless, it was really fun doing some physical art for a change!



[ rather than the typical digital art, these panels are photos of various food service materials (napkins, deli paper, et cetera) that have been drawn on in permanent marker ]

Blobic works multiple part-time jobs, several of them in food service
[ Blobic washes a large pile of dishes ]

she enjoys the high-energy work, interacting with customers, and helping local small restaurants happen!
[ a smiling Blobic wearing an apron hands a bag of food to a similarly happy customer ]

but with the busy shifts and long hours, it gets hard to get comic pages up on time
[ Blobic has faceplanted on a table in front of her comic, asleep ]
