13: this week’s muse is the gender blues

content note: gender segregation/dysphoria/overwhelm

october 7th, 2024

The Adventures of Blobic is becoming more and more autobiographical as time goes on! apparently I really enjoy making silly autobio comics every week. I was feeling very AAAA and now I’m feeling much better!


[ this page is drawn messily with pen on sketchbook paper, rather than the typical digital format ]

lately a lot of Blobic’s friends have been starting to explore stuff with their gender identities and presentations, and Blobic’s really happy for them!
[ the unnamed giraffe character, previously seen playing ttrpgs and being high with Blobic, holds a dress up to her front during an enthusiastic conversation with Abby and Blobic ]

but it has been reminding her that she’s still learning how to feel comfortable navigating her own relationship with gender as it currently exists
[ Blobic stands befuddled, many question marks over her head, in front of a wall with two doorways. each doorway is labeled in the style of restroom-signage silhouettes with different non-Blobic-looking blobs ]

it can be hard to just be a blob, and it can be hard to be anything else, and sometimes it all gets overwhelming and everything feels wrong
[ Blobic is curled up and crying amidst a swirl of aggressive pen scribbles ]

when that happens, she tries to focus on things she knows usually feel good, like making comics
[ Blobic is still crying a little bit, but now appears focused on the notebook she’s drawing in, and the intense scribbles have faded to a softer shaded background ]
