14: it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a plane with a Blobic in it!

october 14th, 2024

travel time, woop woop! I’ve been flying many times before, but I recently took my first solo flight to go visit family, and I had a very good time. huge thanks to everyone who was happy to help me navigate, happy to see me arrive, and/or happy to see me return! <3

comic-commentary-wise: I had originally scripted a different page that was meant to continue the in-world conversation on page 12, but ended up doing the gender page last week instead, and now I’m thinking that perhaps the narration-heavy style of TAoB is just a really great fit for the silly little mostly-autobiographical comics I’m drawn towards these days. that said, I *do* really want to get back into writing longer fiction pieces, and in the last few weeks I’ve been reviving work on a midlength fiction piece I’d been bouncing around in my ideas folder earlier this year! I think I’ll also go ahead and publish the unused TAoB page 12.5 script on the Applesauce with Sprinkles Patreon page, as I do really like it and think it adds a bit of meaningful lore to the Blobicverse canon, even if it’s not really what I want to be drawing currently



Blobic is flying alone for the first time!
[ Blobic enthusiastically poses with a suitcase ]

despite the lovely staff, security is still stressful, even for an experienced flyer
Blobic, masked, holding a handful of documents, and looking stressed: am I… am I a liquid over three ounces??
TSA agent, masked, uniformed, and giving a thumbs-up: nah, you’re good

but everything beyond that is easy and familiar, as if she were just taking the city bus
[ Blobic sits with headphones and a book, smiling and looking out the airplane window at passing clouds and mountains ]

in many ways, flying alone happily surprised Blobic with just how not-alone she is
[ Blobic excitedly embraces a larger blob wearing glasses and a cat-person-y stick figure, while various other characters offer well-wishes from inlaid speech balloons ]
new unnamed character, with round ears and floofy hair: hope you have a good trip!
Chris: have so much fun, babe!
another new unnamed character, a cat with glasses: see you soooon!
