february 17th, 2025
comiccc :3 this one doesn’t feel like my best work — I like how the art turned out, but I’ve found that when I’m writing scripts in a crunch, I often feel like they’re not really succeeding at conveying what I’m trying to convey? but the script and art I’d written in advance and had been planning to use for this week were going to be way too complex for sick!me to complete on time, so I’m proud of myself for recognizing that and shifting to something simpler! and in the spirit of this week’s comic, I wanna try not to be too hard on myself about it. being ill probably doesn’t lend itself to the most coherent scriptwriting xP
everyone in my social circles is getting sick lately, and I think I’ve finally caught it
[Blobic gazes at the viewer with blank swirly eyes, flattened ears, a runny nose, and a mildly despairing expression.]
Blobic: ow
and my partner and I are working through some stuff right now, and rebuilding our trust in each other
[Chris and Blobic are standing next to each other and holding hands, looking softly at one another, and Blobic’s tail is wagging.]
Chris: . . . I’m glad we’re hanging out with each other again
Blobic: me too
I’ve also been getting back in touch with some of my old friends, and deciding to maintain a healthy distance from others
[a closeup of Blobic’s hands holding a phone, where a nondescript contact is pulled up on the screen.]
Blobic, via thought balloon: hmm,,, to text or not to text? our time apart has been really helpful so far,,, am I ready for it to end?
it’s nice, how much healing can come from just taking it easy and one step at a time
[Blobic is snuggled up in bed, tissues at hand, and smiling at a laptop resting in front of him.]
Blobic: hi!
someone else, via laptop call: hi!