7: no Blobics were harmed in the making of this s’more

content note: implied violence

august 18th, 2024

I wanted a silly comic for this week, and I’ve been making lots of s’mores lately! I maintain that they taste best burnt, but Blobic would disagree


the end of summer and start of fall is an excellent time for making s’mores
[ Blobic and friends build a campfire ]
Blobic has always felt a bit of a kinship with marshmallows
[ Blobic is shown side-by-side with a marshmallow, which she closely resembles ]
which can make campfires a bit disturbing
[ Blobic frowns in exaggerated distress as her friend’s marshmallow is engulfed in flames ]
but is great inspiration for Halloween costumes around the corner
[ Blobic imagines herself on fire and unenthused, melting and zombie-esque, and as a cute lil’ s’more ]
