what is this?

a webcomic!

what is that?

a comic that’s on the web!

webcomics are a creative medium that can take many forms. this particular comic is an ongoing fiction story, much like comic books and graphic novels you may already be familiar with, except for the rate of publication — rather than publishing a dozen- or hundred-page document every few months or years, a new single page of this story, sometimes referred to as an “update,” is published online every few days or weeks!

what’s it about?

currently, Applesauce with Sprinkles is a lighthearted dramedy (comedy-drama), following the lives of a small friend group of early-twenty-somethings and their assorted adventures! featuring love, social commentary, mommy issues, late-aughts pop culture references, and lots of hope šŸ™‚

they happen to live in an alternate version of Earth where advances in protheses, genetic modification, and other scientific and social endeavors mean that most humans’ bodies now resemble anthropormorphized forms of other species — that is to say, pretty much everybody’s a furry, in the literal physical sense — which has generated a host of far-reaching sociopolitical consequences, for better and for worse.

the precise ratio of slice-of-life shenanigans to tongue-in-cheek alternate history worldbuilding will fluctuate throughout the comic, and I’m sure that as time goes on, plenty of additional characters and concepts will be introduced!

should my kid read this? what content warnings should I be aware of?

Applesauce with Sprinkles will explore a variety of topics, and some of the heavier ones include social inequality and marginalization, capitalism and financial insecurity, depression, disordered eating, suicidality, addiction, intergenerational trauma, and unhealthy relationships, including child and animal abuse and neglect. These topics will come up frequently, but in ways that are relatively low-intensity given the subject matter ā€” the main characters will often find themselves in uncomfortable situations, but rarely in unsafe ones. There will also be occasional swearing and legal drug use. Overall, Iā€™d recommend AwS to folks ages thirteen and up!

what other comics are like this one?

the general tone of Applesauce with Sprinkles owes a lot to Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques, so if you like that you’ll likely like this, and vice versa! I’m also a big fan of Order of the Stick by Rich Burlew, El Goonish Shive by Dan Shive, the work of gray Folie, and What Happens Next by Max Graves, so influences from those works are likely to slip in as well, and if you enjoy AwS I highly recommend you go check them out.

is it free to read?


can I read it elsewhere? can I bookmark my place in the comic?

yes, thanks to the lovely folks over at Comic Rocket! if you read Applesauce with Sprinkles using a Comic Rocket account, your account will save your place for you, so you can always pick right back up where you left off.

how can I best contact you? do you have social media? do you have a Discord server? why aren't there comments?

there is an official AwS Twitter account, @aws_comic!

that said, I generally prefer to stay off of social media and will be checking that account extremely infrequently, so the surest way to contact me is to join the Applesauce with Sprinkles Patreon (which can be done for free!!) -- from there, you can either leave a comment on any Patreon post, or shoot me a private message!

I would really love to encourage and support interactions between readers via a comments section, an official Discord server, et cetera! unfortunately, I don't think I currently have the time or energy to be personally involved in such a thing, so I'm leaving the inter-reader-community-building to you guys for now, and keeping the reader-and-author-interactions mostly limited to the easily-moderatable world of Patreon comments and PMs. that said, I would love to open up some sort of official community space for all of us to interact sometime in the future :)

can I use it places? can I create fanworks based on it? can I sell fanworks based on it?

to the first two, heck yeah, go for it!

as for selling things directly based on AwS, I would really love to make this comic my part-time or even full-time career, so I currently would prefer folks leave selling AwS-inspired works to me. in the future, once the financial stability of the comic is better-established, I'd be more than happy for you to sell AwS-inspired fanworks!

how often does it update? how can I support the comic? where can I get cool AwS-related stuff?

right now I'm writing, illustrating, and publishing Applesauce with Sprinkles as a fun hobby in and amongst my various Grownup Jobs(tm) and personal responsibilities, which means the comic is updating on an as-I-have-free-time basis -- lately this has been working out to roughly once every 1-2 weeks.

this said, the more income I make via AwS, the fewer hours I have to work elsewhere, and the more time I can dedicate to creating this comic! my next goal is to speed the process up to updating every week consistently, and after that updating multiple times a week :D

if you want to help ensure regular updates and get access to all kinds of neat bonus content and lovely physical merch, you can donate via the AwS Patreon and shop through the AwS Redbubble via these links or our Extras tab! sharing the comic with others is also eternally appreciated, and really I'm just super happy if you give the comic a peek and get something positive out of it :) I really love this project and deeply appreciate all of y'all who're joining this wild ride; thank you so much for being here!! <3