15: iT’s gOoD tO HaVe fRiEndS oUtSiDe mY iMmEdiAtE fAmiLy

I hope we have acorn trumpet pancake ceremonies in this timeline too! if no one else creates one by the 30s, I will do so

october 13th, 2023

yay, another page up!! and so quickly by my current standards! I am very happy 😀

I’ve never done a school project analyzing meme history, but one of my high school classmates did once, and it was utterly delightful! I would very very gladly listen to all of Holly’s sociopolitical meme analyses. I have had the joy of doing some history deep dives into movies with some very supportive and encouraging professors, and . . . I’m trying to decide what to say about it, but there’s so much I can say! AAAA I love history and pop culture and everything so much!! and it’s now very fun to write a character who shares these passions — I love discovering fun new ways for fun good things to overlap! ^u^

(also, for anyone reading this who’s read Stand Still Stay Silent — I keep thinking of the mocking SpongeBob meme voice as the cute little round troll thingies of death that go after Lalli and Emil, and I enjoy reading this page title as them saying affirmations about branching out socially x3)